7 Essential Safari Tips for a Memorable African Adventure
So, you’ve finally booked your dream safari, and you can’t believe that you’re going to see animals like lions, giraffes, and impalas in the wild.
Still, you want to make sure that you know what to expect while on safari, and that you’ve taken advantage of as many travel hacks as possible.
In this post, we’ll tell you all about some of the most important safari tips that you need to know to have the trip of a lifetime.
No matter where you’re going on safari in Africa, if you’ve taken the time to prepare and study up on the rules beforehand, you’ll have a much more enjoyable experience.
Read on to learn how to make it happen for yourself and everyone else on safari with you.
1. Make Sure You’ve Given Yourself Enough Time
The first thing you need to take into consideration when you’re going to Africa for a safari?
You’ll want to be certain that you’ve truly given yourself enough time to experience the wonders of the safari!
In general, the “sweet spot” for safari travel is anything from four days to one week.
Anything less than that, and you risk walking away from your safari without having had the chance to see the animal of your dreams out in the while.
Remember that you’ll usually take two drives throughout the day. One in the morning, and one in the later afternoon/early evening. So, when you’re budgeting your travel time, remember that each day contains two drives.
2. Research the Medication/Vaccines You’ll Need
Yes, you’ll need to make sure that you’re up to date on all your shots and vaccines before you book your flight.
Check out this handy page from the CDC to make sure that you have all the right vaccinations and medications before you reach your destination.
You may also need to take malaria pills throughout the course of your vacation.
Common shots include Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A, and a Typhoid vaccination.
3. Bring the Right Clothes
Of course, it goes without saying that you shouldn’t wear your most expensive clothes on your safari in Africa.
But what people don’t usually expect?
That you’ll need to bring a light jacket for the morning rides. It can get surprisingly chilly, especially if you’re in an open vehicle, before the sun comes up.
When it comes to the right safari clothing colors?
Neutral is best, both for the heat and so that you don’t attract the attention of some hungry animals!
In general, things like beige, khaki, and light green are best. Make sure that you stay away from black — it just gets too hot!
4. Train Your Body for an Early Morning
When you’re going to Africa for a safari, you need to be prepared for some seriously early mornings!
In some cases, you might even get a wake-up call as early as 4:30 in the morning to go out on a game drive.
The early mornings ensure that you don’t get overheated while on the drive. Plus, the animals are usually trying to find water in the mornings, meaning they’re on the move.
You might want to consider getting your body ready for these early mornings before you go. Try waking up a bit earlier on your mornings in Africa before the safari starts.
Plus, you’ll have more time to see what your destination has to offer!
5. Listen to Your Guides
Of course, the most important of all our safari tips is to make sure that you always listen to your guide.
It’s not just about being polite and showing respect — though of course, that matters, too.
It’s really about your personal safety while on safari, as well as the safety of those in the car with you.
Never speak too loudly while on safari, and never, for any reason, get out of the vehicle. Also, don’t suddenly stand or lean out of the vehicle when you spot an animal. Doing so could upset them — and you certainly don’t want that.
6. Pack the Right Camera
When you’re heading on a safari in Africa, we know that you’ll want to capture as many of the Big Five as possible on camera.
Make sure that you’ve chosen a camera that’s water resistant, and that has multiple settings that allow you to adjust for the lighting and time of day. Remember that animals move fast — so you likely won’t have time to do things like switch out a lens.
Finally, bring extra memory cards! You’ll be surprised how quickly yours will fill up.
7. Focus on Hydration
Last but not least, if you’re planning to go on a safari in Africa, make sure that you bring along lots of water for your ride!
It can be incredibly easy to get dehydrated on your trip, and it’s not like the guide can turn around the vehicle and drive you back to your hotel if you forget your water bottle.
Especially if you’re concerned about those with weaker immune systems or younger children getting dehydrated?
We suggest picking up some electrolyte hydration drinking tablets before you go.
Use These Safari Tips on Your Trip to Africa
We hope that these seven safari tips have taught you how to get the most out of your trip to Africa.
Of course, if you really want to have the perfect experience, you’ll also need to work with a safari and travel company that’s dedicated to giving you the best vacation ever.
That’s where we come in.
Be sure to check out our website and blog for more information on traveling to Kenya, Tanzania, and much more.