Tanzania safari tours you should expect to see

What Animals You Should See on a Tanzania Safari

Travel & Tourism is a multi-billion dollar industry in Tanzania.

For long-term growth in this sector, Tanzania is forecasted to be in the top 10 countries in the world.

What is the big draw to visit Tanzania?

Tanzania safari tours.

With 16 national parks, including Mt. Kilimanjaro, there are plenty of exotic animals to be seen. Some of them you may never see anywhere else.

Check out the types of animals you should see in Tanzania.

“The Big Five” Animals You Should See on Tanzania Safari Tours

African Elephant

Often found in herds, these massive beasts can grow up to 13 ft. tall and weigh many tons.

The African Elephant population has seen a huge decline in Tanzania in recent years, mainly due to illegal poaching. However, you can still see many African elephants, especially in the areas of Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater.


You can’t experience Tanzania safari tours without seeing a lion, or five.

These large cats roam in groups, called prides, and can weigh more than 400 lbs.

Lions are not as populous as they once were, but within Tanzania’s protected areas they are still seen quite frequently.


Another of Tanzania’s resident large cats, but normally much smaller than a lion. The leopard is also much more elusive, quite often found lounging in trees.

Leopards are not seen as frequently as lions, mainly because they’re more stealthy and live mostly solitary lives.

They can weigh close to 200 lbs.

Black Rhinoceros

Although not as tall as a mature African elephant, a Black Rhinoceros can still weigh multiple tons.

On Tanzania safari tours it has become rarer to see the Black Rhino, but it is still possible. They are rarer due to their status being critically endangered, as well as their solitary lifestyle.


Called the African buffalo, or Cape buffalo, these are some of the more common animals seen on Tanzania safari tours. You can literally see hundreds of them at a time since they travel in large herds.

Growing to massive proportions, although not very tall, the Cape buffalo can weigh more than one ton.

Tanzania safari tours you should expect to see

Other Animals You Should See on Tanzania Safari Tours


Easily the tallest animal in the land, a full-size giraffe can grow to be nearly 20 ft. in length.

Giraffes are not quite endangered, but are currently considered a vulnerable species. However, there are plenty of opportunities to see them while on Tanzania safari tours.


The hippo is one of the biggest animals you’ll see while on safari, with average adults weighing multiple tons.

They are most often found in or near water, trying to escape the hot African heat.


The Plains Zebra is very common and is most often found traveling in a herd. Their striped patterns are one of the more unique characteristics found among Tanzanian wildlife.

Serengeti National Park is the location of millions of migrating zebra and our next animal, the wildebeest.


Wildebeests, and other hooved animals, may be one of the most common wildlife you’ll see on Tanzania safari tours.

They travel in large herds, constantly grazing, which can make them quite heavy. Some wildebeest can weigh up to 600 lbs.


Long-limbed, agile, stealthy, and extremely fast. The cheetah is famously known as the world’s fastest land mammal.

Their population is labeled as vulnerable, but that doesn’t mean you won’t see them. Tanzania safari tours offer wonderful opportunities to see cheetahs.


Hyenas are quite common in Tanzania. They are known scavengers that live as a clan rather than a herd.

Although they may live as opportunists, hyenas can also hunt effectively when needed.

The hyena is sometimes confused with our next animal, the wild dog.

Wild Dog

The presence of wild dogs is becoming increasingly rare. They are now on the endangered list.

Wild dogs hunt as a pack and constantly roam. Some of their prey includes antelope, wildebeests, and other large animals.

Nile Crocodile

Crocodiles can be found on certain Tanzania safari tours, almost always near water.

The Nile crocodile is not known to be a picky eater, equally happy to eat anything it can, including humans. This fierce attitude is backed up by its size and length.

A Nile crocodile can weigh hundreds of pounds and be as long as 20 feet.

Most Popular Areas to See Wildlife

Serengeti National Park

The Serengeti is the most famous of all of Tanzania’s protected areas, and for good reason. Here you will find all manner of wildlife, including every animal on our list.

You may also see warthogs, snakes, jackals, monkeys, eagles, ostriches, mongooses, lizards, hares, flamingos, and more.

This park is also home to the great annual migration of wildebeest, zebra, and other hooved animals.

Ngorongoro Conservation Area

The most popular area within Ngorongoro is the Ngorongoro Crater, formed by the explosion of an ancient volcano.

Popular wildlife of the area includes black rhinoceros, wildebeests, zebras, lions, leopards, elephants, buffalo, hyenas, jackals, wild dogs, and cheetahs.

Lake Manyara National Park

Located on a popular route heading to Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti, Lake Manyara is not to be missed. Here you will find many of the wildlife species common to Tanzania, but since this is a large body of water you will see them under different circumstances.

Hippos, flamingoes, and other creatures associated with bodies of water are quite common here.

Plan Your Trip Today!

With skilled guides and just the right amount of luck, your next safari in Tanzania will bring sightings of all the wildlife we talked about here.

Although many of these animals are still commonly sighted, their populations are generally on the decline. It is important to keep that in mind when visiting Africa because you want to have the best experience possible when looking for wildlife.

Whether it’s for five days, six days, or more, our safaris provide the best game viewing available in the three most popular areas, Serengeti, Ngorongoro, and Lake Manyara.

Visit our blog to learn more about African safaris. If you have any questions or wish to book a safari, feel free to contact us!