weather in tanzania

What’s the Weather in Tanzania Like? Our Comprehensive Guide

With 67 million visitors in 2018, Africa’s tourist industry is the second-fastest-growing in the world.

If you’re planning a trip to Africa, you may be wondering about which part to go to. It’s a big continent, after all!

Tanzania is one of the countries with the most to offer. With many outdoor pursuits, including a highly active safari industry, there is a lot for tourists to like.

Read on as we look at the weather in Tanzania, as well as other things you should know about before you visit.

What You Should Know About the Weather in Tanzania

As it’s in Africa, Tanzania can get pretty hot for long stretches of the year. Rainfall can also be scarce for extended periods.

When you’re planning a trip to Tanzania, or a nearby country, you need to take weather conditions into account. Failure to take the right precautions can ruin your holiday, not to mention put you in danger.


As it’s just next to the Equator, Tanzania does not experience the drastic seasonal changes in temperature that other parts of the world do.

This also means that the amount of daylight that the country receives does not change much from season to season.

However, that is not to say that there is no seasonal variation in the weather. Tanzania gets two rainy seasons and two dry seasons each year.

The first rainy season lasts for about three months (March – May). During this period, heavy rainfall is common and humidity is high. Temperatures will be around 80 degrees during the day.

The second rainy season is shorter, lasting only for November and December. Rainfall is less frequent during this season, and the rains are lighter when they do come.

This is also the hottest part of the year, with temperatures sometimes hitting 100 degrees.

January and February form a short dry season. However, the best time of the year to visit Tanzania is between June and October.

During these months, rainfall is irregular and temperatures are reasonably mild. This is particularly suitable if you’re planning a lot of outdoor pursuits on your trip.

Weather Events

The main risk in Tanzania in terms of dangerous weather events is that of tropical cyclones. These are relatively common in most areas that sit near the Equator.

Cyclones generally only affect the southern and central regions of the country. They are far less common further north.

Cyclones usually occur between December and April.

Things to Do in Tanzania

The weather in Tanzania will have a large bearing on what you can do while you’re there. It would be unwise, for example, to plan a safari trip during the months of March, April, or May, when heavy rainfall is almost guaranteed.


As you might have already guessed, a safari is best attempted between the months of June and October. As well as the weather being favorable for going outdoors, conditions for viewing wildlife are excellent.

During these months, you are likely to see a large number of wildebeest on safari.

If you’re willing to brave less comfortable weather conditions, however, there are different animals to see. Between December and February, for instance, there will be many exotic birds to look at.

Climbing & Hiking

One of Tanzania’s most famous landmarks is Mount Kilimanjaro. Africa’s tallest mountain, and the fourth-highest in the world, it’s on the bucket list of every keen mountaineer.

Despite its height, Mount Kilimanjaro is not considered an especially challenging climb. Those who attempt it do not have to have special climbing gear, nor a huge amount of mountaineering experience.

In terms of season, dry months are considered the best times to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Since temperatures get colder as you start climbing, you don’t need to avoid the hotter months.


If you want to visit Tanzania during a rainy season, or outdoor pursuits simply aren’t your thing, the cities have a lot to offer.

Dar es Salaam is Tanzania’s capital. The city is a major industrial port and has a lot of tourist attractions.

The National Museum has a wealth of natural history exhibits, with a number of renowned prehistoric artifacts. The Village Museum gives visitors an insight into the tribal lifestyle of the founding peoples of the Tanzanian country.

If museums aren’t your thing, have a wander through one of the city’s bustling food markets, or take a walk along Coco Beach.

Neighboring Countries

Tanzania is on Africa’s east coast. It borders Kenya and Uganda to the north, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Burundi to the west, and Zambia, Mozambique, and Malawi to the south.

What Will Your Trip to Tanzania Cost?

This depends on many factors, the biggest one being what you plan to do once you get there.

If you’re planning on going on safari in Tanzania, this may add significantly to the cost of the journey. It’s not money you’ll regret spending, but it’s something to keep in mind when you’re drawing up your budget.

Where you’re coming from is also an important consideration. Flights to Africa from America aren’t cheap. You will require a visa to travel to Tanzania from the United States.

The good news, however, is that the cost of living in Tanzania is a fraction of what it is in most of America. Accommodation will be relatively affordable, as will food and drink.

Start Planning the Trip of a Lifetime

The weather in Tanzania during the dry seasons is but one of a number of great reasons to visit this amazing country. Between the warm and welcoming culture and the broad range of things to do while you’re there, Tanzania won’t disappoint.

If you want to start planning your trip, have a look at what we offer in terms of safari trips in Tanzania.